Thursday 10 July 2008

Bastille day cometh

Taking a quick peep at the history of our beloved France, it seems there has been a re-run of some of the US / European issues.

In the reign of Louis XVI, France faced a financial crisis, triggered by the cost of intervening in the American War of Independence. This was made worse by a system of taxation that was not in line with other countries.

There had to be a revolution. The 14th July 1789 the 'Bastille' was stormed.

Now we face oil crisis, the US has cash flow problems, crazy fuel and food prices.

Nowadays July is almost a permanent holiday in France, Garages, Notaires and Government offices totally shutting down (only beaten by a bigger shutdown in August!).

Bastille day is celebrated with village parties and street fetes, the best thing about living in France, they certainly know how to throw a party!

Remember after Saturday the shops are shut until Tuesday!