Thursday 24 July 2008

Eymet Market

I would like to say the market today at Eymet was a delight.

Perhaps because the weather was a bit overcast there was a 'good turnout' however my favourite

section has to be by the Church and La Poste.

So many people to say Bonjour to!

The cushions and embroidery "Lily Loves Roses' are exquisite and how anyone has the patience

to design and sew with such meticulous attention to detail is astonishing.

I hope she continues to be successful.

I also love Mels herbs and the mix of permanent shops on this 'drag' are well worth visiting.

Many 'knock' Eymet due to it's popularity with the British, but today there was a strong multi-nationality

mixture of both stalls and visitors. What on earth can be wrong with that?